Actor Sean Simons attempts to fulfil a childhood dream and restore a ruined castle in one of the most beautiful landscapes of Ireland. } else { }); userID: purchase.granted_by_whitelist_rule.user_id, products: [purchasedProduct] mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { let productClickSource = localStorage.getItem('product_click_source'); const script = document.createElement('script'); vars.article.wallVisible = ! window.dataLayer.push({ const domain = ''; const updateTemplateForHomeDelivery = function (el) { Grand Designs Season 12 . document.getElementById(selectedTabId).parentNode.classList.add('is-active'); if (prices.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const cookieDomain = ''; const virtualPageViewData = { }); } 'shop-front': 'fp_refresh_price', snack_bar_error_message: 'Unable to process payment. window.dataLayer[0].user.premiumArticleViews = premiumArticleViews; But an American investor stepped in and provided the necessary funding for him to retain ownership and continue his renovation of Cloontykilla Castle and preservation of McDermott\u0026amp;rsquo;s Castle.But he is in need of\u00a0ongoing financing to complete the restoration of both castles.The Historic Estate Investment Trust is aimed at investors who \u0026amp;ldquo;want to be part of Ireland\u0026amp;rsquo;s history\u0026amp;rdquo; to restore McDermott\u0026amp;rsquo;s Castle and other historic Irish castles that are in danger of collapse. This gave him further impetus to follow his dreams as he fully understood that if life is likely to be too short then it needed to be lived to the fullest. } eventLabel = 'sunday'; }; localStorage.setItem('subscriptionwall.latest-load', new Date().getTime()); } const grantedBy = Object.keys(purchase).filter(function (key) { const getCookie = key => { el.prepend(p_tag); event: '_trackEvent', } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('print_annual') > -1) { }; leafletScript.innerText = leafletTag.innerText; badgeMap[tabPrefix + '-monthly-prices-tab-trigger'] = 'monthly'; setBundleToFullWidth(plan); .reduce(function (allPrices, item) { if (subscribeButton) { eventLabel = 'saturday'; if (userHasLoggedIn === true) { })(); Premium subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles. } } } return params[key]; eventLabel = 'saturday_sunday'; Sean Simon hasnt stopped dreaming even though he has already achieved a lifetime of experiences that most of us can only allude to. selectedPrice = getBundleById(; if (subscribeLink) { return 'hd_flow'; } Cloontykilla Castle Update September 24, 2016; Contact PCA Engineers. return; if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('c-box1')) { virtualPageViewData.eventData.article.wallVisible = 'true'; premium_content_redirect_url = ''; bundle: bundleValue, }; return item.value; socialEmbed.innerHTML = ''; The second castle is shore-based and far more accessible. } eventAction: 'change_cc', successful_upgrade_redirect_url: '', const now = new Date(); } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('premium-plus') > -1) { } script.async = true; if (document.getElementById("map") !== null) { Irelands most popular baby names of 2022 - by county! if ((isShopFront || isUpgrades || isCoupons) && !disableRedirect) { }[tabPrefix]; It was builton what was once the sprawling 3,000 acre Rockingham demesne and estate that was bought by the famous British architect John Nash, who designed Buckingham Palace. _id:, } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('epaper-access') > -1) { eventAction: 'auth', template_summary_other_paymet_options_android_pay: "

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", And as an added bonus \u0026amp;ldquo;you can go fishing from your doorstep\u0026amp;rdquo;.While he lives in a cottage overlooking the River Shannon, he hopes to spend some time living in his dream castle once it is fully furnished.Once Cloontykilla is complete, he will set his sights on protecting McDermott\u0026amp;rsquo;s Castle from further damage from the elemen","isAccessibleForFree":"False","hasPart":{"@type":"WebPageElement","isAccessibleForFree":"False","cssSelector":"#flip-pay"},"isPartOf":{"@type":["CreativeWork","Product"],"name":"","productID":""}} {"@context":"","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"","item":""},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"Irish News","item":""}]} return; } if (isRegionalShopFront) { fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', flipPayConfig.show_spinner = false; return price; You can find more information about Cloontykilla Castle on their website. Please try again', template_summary_card: "

", if (!priceID) { }; return price; if (window.GTMLoaded === true) { if (Object.keys(selectedPrice).length === 0) { } sean simons @simons_sean Castle Fanatic,West End Actor/Singer lead roles in Little Shop of Horrors,Elvis in Alan Bleasdales Are You Lonesome Tonight,Joseph, tv, film. return; id: products: (product) { successful_upgrade_redirect_url = ''; let selectedPrice = {}; } let cookieValue = parts.join('='); if (isShopFront && hash) { const listenForGigyaEvents = function () { if (document.getElementById('fp-snackbar')) { Westport House and Gardens Admission Ticket. const item = { } What happened to the castle in Grand Designs. It was used as a hunting lodge by the aristocracy of the region. plans.forEach(function (plan) { localStorage.removeItem('product_click_source'); subscriptionStartDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', fontFamily: '"Nuacht Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif', } return 1; Ironically, on meeting Sean and noticing his rugged good looks, one instantly gets the impression that he is already the Baron of Lough Key but just missing the royal title. // otherwise get it from the url or the previouslySelectedPriceId Grand opening to be confirmed. localStorage.setItem('product_click_source', productClickSource); fireProductClickEvent(null); }); if (subscriberCookieStatus === "undefined") { eventData: { items_limit: accessObject.metered_paywall_items_limit, if (cookieValue) { const selectedRegional = localStorage.getItem('selectedRegionals'); } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(urlQueryString); FB.XFBML.parse(socialEmbed); previouslySelectedPriceId) { subscriptionFinishDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.finish_at, const getBundleById = function (id) { observer.observe(document, { } else if ( === 'fp-tog-anch-2') { } productClickSource: productClickSource, ? if (! } virtualPageViewData.eventData.article = { const expiryTime = 2; } }); } }, []) } eventLabel: 'shopfront_subscribe' value: priceID, successful_upgrade_redirect_url: '', } return; var contract = 'contract_bundle'; (function () { if (Object.keys(event.detail.object.badge || {}).indexOf('home-delivery') > -1) { } subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', window.dataLayer.push(ecommerceTransactionEvent); return key.split('granted_by_')[1]; } const setBundleToFullWidth = function (el) { sean simons cloontykilla castle now wallVisible: 'true' And because Sean hopes to use his show business connections to rent out the castles and land as television and film locations, he will use a generator to power up the castle so there are no tell-tale electricity poles that would detract from its authenticity.He points to a gnarled oak tree on the estate. console.log('observer.observe failed:', e); if (! for (var x = 0; x < badges.length; x++) { if (window.location.href.indexOf("#annual") > -1) { } var nowTimeStamp =; labelText = ''; ","articleBody":"\u0026amp;ldquo;I think these places nearly talk to the owner,\u0026amp;rdquo; Irish actor Sean Simon says during a twilight tour of the grounds of his beloved Cloontykilla Castle overlooking the eastern shore of Lough Key in Co Roscommon. // Flatten the array by 1 level. const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'corporate_account'); } return []; But he is in need ofongoing financing to complete the restoration of both castles. = 'block'; subscriptionStartDate: '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z', }); selectedPrice = bundles[0]; document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"][data-price_id]').forEach(function (price) { }); userWall = 'paywall'; fireAddToCartEvent(); const domain = ''; eventData: { }; document.getElementById(tabPrefix + '-tabs').querySelectorAll('a[toggle]').forEach(function (tab) { } if (['fp-card-number', 'fp-card-expiry', 'fp-card-cvc'].indexOf( === -1) { const setActiveTab = function (tabPrefix) { }; fireAddToCartEvent(); onboarding_article = ''; selectedPrice = getBundleById(previouslySelectedPriceId); meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, const price_link = el.querySelector('a[data-price_id]'); meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, klein isd letterman jacket requirements,
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